Lara Salmon

Lara Salmon is a performance artist and writer based in Los Angeles, California. She works internationally, composing location-specific performances that address global socio-spheres. Through connecting with land- or city-scape, her practice explores the endurance of a body which is at times pervaded by chronic pain.
Neon Ruins (2022)
I recently inherited the neon ruin embroidered on this quilt square. It is a glass flask from the late 1st to early 2nd century AD, found in Cyprus by the mining company my great grandfather worked for. I love the way it sparkles in the afternoon sun. I will take it back to the Cyprus next year, as its return is long overdue.
Envisioned Futures (2021)
I embroidered this square to represent a future with more legal and societal equality for LGBTQ+ individuals around the world. It says “love is love” in half Arabic half English to acknowledge locational differences of acceptance for these communities. The inspiration comes from my time spent in the Middle East and relationship to the Arabic language. Can’t to see how it fits in with other’s dreams.