Fundraiser Weekend for Palestine
December 13-15, 2024
Feminist Center for Creative Work
3053 Rosslyn St. LA, CA 90065

You’re Invited to take part in the Community Quilting Bee Fundraiser Weekend for Palestine:
QUILT RAFFLE – Enter a raffle for two different quilts made by the Community Quilting Bee — buy tickets in person or online. Click here for more info on how to enter
- FRIDAY 12/13
- 12pm-5pm GALLERY HOURS
Quilt for Palestine 1 & 2 + 5 year retrospective - 9pm-12am REFLECTION OF SPACE
A night of performance featuring Avery Collins-Byrd, Nube Cruz, Jose, and Eva Speiser. See below for more info.
- 12pm-5pm GALLERY HOURS
- SATURDAY 12/14
1-hour sessions. Pre-registration required. See below for more info.
- SUNDAY 12/15
Bring food & beverages to enjoy Potluck-style - 6pm DEADLINE TO ENTER RAFFLE
- 7pm RAFFLE WINNER ANNOUNCED in person & online

Friday December 13, 9pm-12am
Reflection of Space
A night of performance featuring:

Reflection of Space invites performers Avery Collins-Byrd, Jose, Eva Speiser, and Nube Cruz to share their work that encapsulates the way space changes the body. At times we do not notice the changes that our bodies morph through; like how our bodies change in weight by a small piece of lent tagging along with us from home. Or the way our body changes under the pressures of society, colonization, and capitalism. This will be an intimate viewing of performances, and we ask folks to be present for the duration of each performance. This show will also be a part of fundraising relief for Palestinians going through an extreme genocide of their bodies and Native lands.
Suggested donation sliding scale $1-$25
All proceeds will be split between Connecting Humanity and Gaza Mutual Aid Solidarity

Saturday, December 14, 10am-4pm
Bodywork for Palestine
Suggested donation for a one-hour session is $80-100
All proceeds go to Gaza Mutual Aid Network

Bodywork for Palestine is a bodywork clinic that offers much needed body and spirit care in support of the movement for a free Palestine. Bodywork for Palestine is a group of bodyworkers and massage therapists that offer complimentary bodywork to individuals from the Palestinian diaspora, those connected to Palestine through family ties, and those actively organizing in the cause of Palestinian liberation. For others wanting to contribute, Bodywork for Palestine offers paid sessions with all proceeds going to Gaza Mutual Aid Network.
*Circulatory massage* is used for enhancing the proper flow of blood through the entire body and providing relaxation to various muscles. This massage relaxes tense muscles and relieves stress from the body, improving the overall health.*
*Craniosacral* uses very gentle holds on various parts of the body to release constriction in the connective tissue around the spine and brain, thus allowing for better flow of nutrients & support to the nervous system and the whole body. This allows for unwinding and unblocking stuck energies by holding space for the system to digest and move through its natural processes to find balance.
*Sensory Repatterning* uses gentle rocking motions and undulations to help encourage all the body to experience freedom of movement and let go of past holding patterns, releasing tension and restriction. For many it feels meditative & relaxing and can be supportive for releasing trauma from the body.
*Polarity Therapy* is a form of hands-on energy work that stimulates and balances the flow of energy within the body through the attraction and union of opposites through a balanced middle point. Polarity bodywork consists of both light touch, deep touch, as well as rocking or vibrating the body to release and balance energy at different points according to the polarity energy system